NAF Personnel Management: Recruitment, Readiness & Retention

Students will gain knowledge on proper selection practices, onboarding methods and managing performance all under the guidance of Subject Matter Experts (SME) from NAF HQ HR, Equal Opportunity (EEO), Workers Compensation (WC) and Legal Professionals. Participants will explore the hiring process and the generation currently in the workforce; selecting practices to include the importance of having a hiring/interviewing matrix; on-boarding methods that start new team members off with realistic job standards; and managing performance through consistent and constructive feedback.


The target audience for this course is Family and MWR Program Managers who currently Supervise employees and are implementing practices that will maximize their efficiency and productivity in their programs.


This course will provide specifics on:


  • Hiring: analyze the different generations of our workforce, the relationship to NAF hiring practice, and identify important job duties and highly qualifying criteria (HQC) in order to prepare for a strategic requirement discussion with HR;
  • Selecting: review and develop a resume/interview matrix and identify best practices for checking references;
  • Onboarding: create a realistic onboarding model and job standards;
  • Managing Performance: give frequent feedback, evaluate performance and how to reward and discipline.
  • Employee rights: review the manager’s responsibilities in relationship to Workers’ Comp and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).

Student Testimonials


This course was very beneficial and useful and will help me in my day-to-day business /duty.

I will definitely recommend this course to all supervisors and managers, who have staff responsibility. I will also try to implement learning practices as much as I can at our unit.

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